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han gaozu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "han gaozu"
  • The Han emperor Gaozu is defeated by the Xiongnu in the Battle of Baideng.
    Kaisar Dinasti Han Gaozu dikalahkan oleh Xiongnu pada Pertempuran Baideng.
  • Gaozu of Han was often defeated, and the first emperor of Shu could not even protect his wife and children.
    Kaisar Han Gaozu juga sering menerima kekalahan, kaisar pertama Shu (Liu Bei) bahkan pernah tidak sanggup melindungi anak dan istrinya.
  • Built in 200 BC at the request of Han Gaozu, under the supervision of his prime minister Xiao He, it served as the administrative centre and imperial residence of the Western Han Dynasty, as well as the Western Jin dynasty and several other regimes during the Northern and Southern Dynasties.
    Dibangun pada 200 SM atas permintaan Han Gaozu, di bawah pengawasan perdana menteri Xiao He, itu berfungsi sebagai pusat administrasi dan kediaman kekaisaran Dinasti Han Barat, serta Dinasti Jin Barat dan beberapa rezim lain selama Dinasti Utara dan Selatan.